May 23, 1993

Meeting called to order: 1930 hours.

Members present

Board of Directors Present :

Chairman: Al Haseltine
Vice Chairman: Bob Gronbach
Sec/Treas.: David Williams

Meetin Adjourned: 2030 hours

Bobby : 	Called meeting to oder. 

Williams: 	Took roll call. 

Al: 	        We had to change the caterers for the banquet. The original catering service was to expensive.  
                So we have contracted a new catering company. The menu for the banquuet  was then read. 
                1935 hours Sonny Hlll arrived at the meeting. 

                All checks have been cut and sent to the appropriate vendors. We also got the card for Dian  
                which was to be sent with the flowers she never recieved. 

1935 hours Sam (Spider) arrived at the meetlng. 

Leaviit : 	Newest member Leavitt inirooduced himself to the group. 

Grimes : 	Another new member introduced himself to the group. 

Johnson: 	Another new member introduced himself to the group. 

Al:		This banquet tne group has 16 members who have guest coming. 

Sonny: 		Do we have enough plates for everyone? 

A1: 		We ordered 125 plates. All guest have been approved, visitors, Chapter members, and 
                Staff members visitors. 

Gonzales: 	Do we have all the flags? 

Al:     	Yes our Chief Sponsor has them in his posession and they all will be hanging at the banquet.  
                Sgt West also wants to talk to all the members of the color guard, for he is going to be calling 
                the colors forward this year. 

                Per Bob Ruiz's instructions we are going have to pay one staff member for banquuet coverage, and 
                devort two from their work assignments. 

Sonny: 		Are any of the staff members allowed to take the photos?

Al:	        I talked to Dee Dee Johnson, he is planning on doing it but I need to get back with him.  Also 
                we will be having S.Q.T.V. filming the banquet for us.  

Al:	        This yyear the plates for the plagues are going to run us $40.00 apiece.  We are also going to 
                have more than one person handing out the plagues to our reciepiants. 

Sonny: 		So far for our theme at the baquet we have this suggestion. (The healing has begun).

Leavitt: 	How about Till we all come home.

Sonny: 		That’s a real good suggestion!

Al : 		I would like to see the poem read that I told the group about.

Leavitt: 	One of my guest for the banquet is my brother who is also located here at San Quentin.  Will I 
                beable to invite him?

Al:		Our membership cards are in. Do you want to pass tnem out now or wait. 

Kilmer : 	I think we should wait till after the June elections because of the changing of the new Board 

Al:		We”ll table this till the next meeting. 

Sonny: 		Whats on the agenda for the banquet.

Al:     	We’ll table this till the next meeting.  I do know that Skip wants H-Unit up here at 1500 hrs 
                and main line to be at the pass window at 1530 hrs. 

Sonny: 		I make a motion we adjourn the meeting.

Hobbert : 	I second it.